Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Woman's Ministry

For this reason he had to be made like them, [a] fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. - Hebrews 2:17

Christ was made like us in order to be a service to God. Similarly, we as children of God are to be like Christ -- more specifically, our marriages are to reflect Christ and his relationship to the church. He was a "merciful and faithful high priest." We are called to be the same. But how?

In our moms' group this past week, our speaker dove into what priests did in their ministry in the Old Testament and used their actions as a guide for women today.

1. Priests prepared those close to them for worship. Wives and mothers can do this by initiating prayers, hymns, verse memorization, bible reading and open conversation about the awesome grace of God. Her goal is to make the family focus on Christ's sacrifice.

2. Priests issued blessings. Wives and mothers are in the trenches of everyday life. They can be a blessing to their family by giving just a little bit more than they have to give (with God's unending energy and grace). For instance, a mother completely spent after a busy and exhausting day can still be a blessing to her husband by being in a cheerful mood or meeting a certain request. Blessings force her to look beyond herself and offer a sacrifice to those she serves.

3. Priests taught a ministry of reconciliation. Kids see an average of 7 conflicts daily between parents but often zero reconciliations. Parents start a fight with children present but then solve the problem in another room behind closed doors. When they reappear, the children do not know how their parents got from angry/fighting to smiley and kind. By showing children how to successfully reconcile, it reflects how we, as sinners, are reconciled to God through forgiveness.

4. Priests taught people the law of God. Teaching is best done by action rather than word. Wives and mothers are to be a living example of joy, peace, generosity, etc.

5. Priests prayed. Wives and mothers can intercede for their children and husband. Ask your spouse how you can pray for him and eventually he will ask you the same back. Cover them in prayer every day.

The speaker concluded saying if wives and mothers follow this grand plan of God's, our households -- and marriages -- will stay together.

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