Monday, December 20, 2010

Do What I Say

I don't know why, but I think ALL of us are guilty of talking ourselves up into being "more" than we really are. For me, I say I'm a Christian but yet gossip and slander and have a negative attitude. I judge and am selfish and care way more about being right than being kind. I say God is my No. 1 priority but don't remember the last time I did an honest Bible study. I say "I'm praying for you" but don't. And even in my non-faith life -- I say I am Crossfit but hate to workout. I say I eat healthy but sneak sweets. I am a hypocrite. We all are.

This year, I intend to be what I say I am. If I say my priorities are God, spouse, children, work then those priorities will be demonstrated in my daily choices. If I say I work out 4 times a week, I will work out 4 times a week. If I say I eat Paleo, then I will eat Paleo.

I get sick to my stomach when I think of how I try to impress people by saying I'm a certain way but really fall short when the doors close and no one is around. I think we all do this because we are ashamed of what we really are -- sinners who fall short. We are afraid people won't like us or think less of us if we show our weaknesses, or lack of being "superhuman."

This all stems from not being secure in who we are in Christ (see previous post). I think as I purposefully seek God in 2011, being more authentic will be easier for me. God will reveal to me how I am perfect the way I am because I am in Christ. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. He is the only person's judgement that matters on my life -- and He understands and loves me right where I am.

This is yet another aspect of our year of "Living on Purpose."

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