Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mary Did You Know?

At church today, we learned about the meaning behind "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing." While they showed the lyrics line by line, I just couldn't help but think about Mary and ask myself lots of questions:
  1. First she was only about 14. Were women (or girls) that age more mature back then? Did having a baby at that age completely freak her out? Or were her friends also having babies (not immaculately of course)?
  2. And through her pregnancy, was it real to her, like "ohmigosh, I'm carrying the Son of God"? Did she try to be "extra careful" so she didn't "hurt" Jesus in-utero? Did she make sure to exercise and eat her veggies? Did she "take it easy"?
  3. And when Jesus was finally born, did she feel extra responsiblity to take care of Him? Was it real to her that He was actually God lying there?
Being a mother now, it's still hard to comprehend how Mary must have felt. And when people from ALL OVER the area trekked to see her tiny baby, did it make the whole situation more real to her? The Bible said she hid it all in her heart and thought about it often. I bet it made her so happy. I wonder if she ever felt pride or self-centerednes for being the chosen mother to the Lamb. I mean, she was 1. a teenager and 2. sinful.

Nonetheless, it is so amazing to think about Mary's role in Jesus' birth.

Great song that also asks Mary those "hard" questions.

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