Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Getting into the Kingdom

At church last Sunday, the pastor talked about faith and how we are all going to stand before God and give an account of our lives. For a long time, I thought, "Why would we have to give an account if we are already saved? Shouldn't we just be able to enter?" But, Pastor really opened my eyes to who really will get into Heaven. God will ask what we did with His Son, Jesus. BUT He will also determine the geniunity of our answer by what fruits we've developed because of our relationship with Christ. If we truly accepted Christ as our Savior, then our lives should show it by our actions, which are a result of our fruits, which are a result of our hearts, which are a result of our relationship with Christ. If we truly trust our lives to Christ, we will have faith God will make us like Him.

It really opened my eyes and made me think, "Am I allowing God to change my heart? Do I have fruits of the Spirit?" It makes me kind of afraid because what if I don't? But then again, my job is to "seek ye first the kingdom of God." If I do that, "then it shall be added unto you." Trust God and He does the rest. What a reassuring promise.

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