1. What meant the most to you from this chapter or offered you the greatest challenge or inspired you deeply?
First, the chapter talked about priorities and how they should be eternal-minded. When I think about my busyness, I am reminded how I need to choose to play/teach/grow my child instead of rushing to sweep the floor, throw in a load of laundry or check my e-mail. Those things don't matter eternally. But, playing with my son lets him know I love him, which may transfer into how God loves him. This decision has more of an eternal impact than if my house is clean. This seems to be my biggest challenge. I know Satan fills my mind with to-do items in an attempt to steal the time away from spending time with my son. I think understanding how obvious Satan is helps me to overcome his ways and seek God's will for raising my son.
2. The Story of Mary and Martha. I love how the author says Martha was busy doing things FOR the Lord that she failed to spend time WITH Him. I think this is very obvious in people who serve themselves ragged because they think God wants them to be in every activity/event/committee. For me, I don't spend a lot of time with God. So, when I do things FOR Him (bake for neighbors, kind to others, teach son about God), I feel like that's enough. According to this story, it's really not.
Five actions to put "worship" at the top of my to-do list:
a. Take quiet time to breathe, sit outside, enjoy God's creation and rest
b. Schedule time with God on the calendar
c. Get up early before I encounter distractions
d. Classify tasks as eternal v. worldly
e. Use at least one nap time to study God's word
This next week I will set aside quiet time to be with God -- during one nap time or before anyone gets up in the morning. To truly sit apart from any distractions and be focused on God.
3. Can you think of any area of your life where you are consciously settling for "good" when you know that a "better" and a "best" choice is available?
Most things in my life are just "good" because I never really had to work hard to make anything "best" growing up. So now I think I settle. My relationships, my sex life, my exercise and eating habits, organization, taking care of myself -- all are just "good." Instead of making changes to get them "better" or "best," I really believe as I grow closer to God in this study, He will change these items in my life.
4. Name a time this week where you chose God as a priority over something or someone else.
I had a play date with Joyce but was kind of nervous/annoyed by the time it was (although I planned it myself). I wanted to call and cancel but I decided to go because Joyce was a Christian friend and I knew she was a good friend to have. I felt like I chose God's choice instead of my selfish nature and Satan saying "You don't have to go, you know."
Memory verses:
Luke 10:42 - But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.
Proverbs 3:6 - In all your ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct your paths.